CGT-Arnaud-Siquet-Le-Vieux-Haneffe.jpg Terrasse éclairée pour la soirée avec une jeune fille souriante regardant son papa
©CGT Arnaud Siquet


The municipality of Donceel groups together three of its villages along the Yerne, a tributary of the Geer. It is made up of four agricultural villages that have become residential: Donceel, Haneffe, Limont and Jeneffe. Each village groups a considerable number of square farms around its church and along its roads. Most of the settlements are the result of parishes that originated in the Middle Ages, although there is evidence of earlier settlements dating back to prehistoric times, as well as to Roman and Frankish times.

Getting there

The villages

Above Donceel and its castle sit the medieval church dedicated to Saint Cyr and the abbey farm of Saint-Jacques.

Haneffe is distinguished by a fortified house that dominates its village. Together with the church and presbytery, the remains of a Templar commandery and other buildings with an agricultural function, it forms an architectural ensemble of great beauty.

The village of Limont is the very type of small settlement where paths converge on the square and the church of Saint-Martin, with its walled cemetery. Opposite, the ruins of the keep and the renovated 17th century maison seigneuriale remain.

Jeneffe is, meanwhile, off-center from the villages of the Yerne valley. Its many monumental farmhouses with enclosed courtyards perpetuate the village’s agricultural tradition.

Donceel between heaven and earth


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