Couple Grand-Place de HuyUn couple se promène main dans la main sur la Grand-Place de Huy
©WBT David Samyn

Huy, for the cool ones

Stroll, have fun, take your time, stop, let yourself live, stroll, stroll, stroll, stroll, stroll… In short, it feels good, and here are a few ideas to help you get there!

Circuits, itineraries and walks

Many themed walking itineraries are available from the Tourist Office. On themes such as nature, water or heritage, set off to discover the town of Huy on routes other than those usually presented.

RAVeL: starting from Huy, enjoy two routes for walkers and cyclists. Whether along the Meuse or in the heart of the Hoyoux valley, the surrounding countryside will intoxicate you with its splendor!

Parks, forests and valleys

Lounging in a park, taking a stroll in the woods or discovering a beautiful valley…
Huy, offers you each of these options. City-center parks, the Solières or Hoyoux valleys, the Tihange woods… A wide variety of places to discover and enjoy.
A great way to get away from it all for a few hours.

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