Parc récréatif Mont MosanSpectacle d'otaries au parc d'attraction Mont Mosan
©Parc récréatif Mont Mosan|FTPL P. Fagnoul

Huy, for families

Taking the time to share good times together creates unforgettable memories. Around a show, during a walk, an interactive tour or an urban game, learning while having fun is the guarantee of well acquired knowledge! Families, welcome!

Mount Mosan

Famous amusement park, Mont Mosan welcomes young and old alike from March to October.
Between attractions and animals, little ones won’t know where to turn.

Bateau Val Mosan

Take the time to stroll along the water during a one-hour cruise and discover the banks of the Meuse and the riches that abound: fauna, flora, heritage and history mingle for the curiosity of all.

For children, a free discovery booklet is available on board the boat. In question-and-answer format, it covers the essential elements encountered on this cruise.
Accessible from May to September.

Treasure hunt in
the Solières valley

Promise yourself in the woods… As long as the wolf isn’t there. And take the opportunity to play a little!

Through a walk of about 5 kilometers in the form of a treasure hunt, the Solières valley will present itself to you in its most beautiful light.
Free, to be collected at any time in front of the ecomuseum.
Address: Avenue de Beaufort 65 in 4500 Huy.

Treasure hunt in the city center

Designed by the local children’s council for children, this treasure hunt will help you discover the treasures of the historic city center. Set off to the four corners of the old town and immerse yourself in the history of our beautiful Mosan city.
Free, pick up at the Tourist Office. Available all year round.

In the footsteps of Toine Culot

Discover the story of Toine, a prisoner at the Fort during the Second War. This booklet allows your children to discover, in a fun way, life at the Fort during wartime.
Available free of charge at the Fort entrance.


Spectacles and cultural events

Cultural events take place throughout the year to delight young and old alike.

Unes fois d’un soir, rencontres jeunes publics, the Fraja, Family Day at the Fort, the Fabrique d’Hiver, Christmas at the Museum…

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