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©jm Vanebempt
Huyplus belle la ville


Located at the confluence of the Meuse and Hoyoux rivers, the town of Huy will amaze you with its rich heritage, history and culture. Whether you’re a lover of history, nature, shopping or good times, Huy is the town for you.

Getting there

The must-sees

Patrimonial, unusual, sporty, fun: if you had to do only one activity in this locality it’s in these proposals that you will find it.

3 good reasons to come to Huy


Discover Belgium’s largest radiant Gothic rose window


Try climbing the famous Mur de Huy


Wander through the narrow streets of the old town

HUY, as you wish

Did you know that it was a Hutois who invented roller skates?

Born in Huy in September 1735, Jean-Joseph Merlin was one of the most prolific inventors of the 18th century. He was a clockmaker, musical instrument maker and automaton designer.
The Silver Swan, his most famous work, is still in operation. It is kept at the Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle, England.

Prepare your stay

Whether you’re looking for a place to stay, want to discover the expertise of our chefs, looking for your next outing,
need to get some fresh air… we’ve selected the essentials of the commune for you.

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