Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher-c-Jean-Pol-GRANDMONT.jpgEglise de Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher
©Jean Pol Grandmont


The commune of Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher comprises the villages of: Fexhe, Freloux, Noville, Roloux and Voroux-Goreux. Traces of occupation from prehistoric to Roman times have been revealed.

The entities making up Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher retain all the characteristics typical of small villages hesbignons, being dotted with several farms and surrounded by numerous arable spaces that separate it from the other villages in the entity.

Getting there

The Peace of Fexhe

The village of Fexhe is known in history by the peace of the same name, this document is the most famous in the history of the country of Liège where it takes the same place as the Magna charta in the history of England.

On June 18, 1316, the “Peace of Fexhe” was signed: it sealed the outcome of various social movements of the early 14th century. The Towns had risen up against Prince-Bishop Adolphe de la Marck. The “Paix de Fexhe” was an agreement between the prince-bishop, the canons, representatives of the good towns and the great knights. Its aim was to establish the rule of law and a balance of power.

Belgian Owl

a whisky produced in Hesbaye

It all began with Master Distiller Etienne Bouillon’s desire to diversify local agriculture by adding value to it through the creation of a Belgian Single Malt Whisky of excellence made from barley grown in Hesbaye, on the basis of sustainable agriculture.

With a wide range of products, the Belgian Owl distillery can be visited. Discover how authentic Belgian whisky is made!

Prepare your stay

Looking for accommodation, wanting to discover the expertise of our chefs,
looking for your next outing, needing to get some fresh air…
we’ve selected the essentials of the commune for you.

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