Chapelle et château de VervozChapelle et château de Vervoz
©Chapelle et château de Vervoz|S. Pêcheur


Clavier is a “natural” commune made up of 11 villages and hamlets. It is part of the Liège Condroz region. The landscape is typically Condrusian, with alternating hills and depressions.

Getting there

The choice of walks is almost infinite: on foot, on horseback, by bike or even by car, there’s something for everyone. The famous “route buissonnière” covering a large part of the province of Liège also passes through some of the commune’s most typical spots. The GR 575 also passes through Clavier.

Clavier’s subsoil contains two raw materials that have a visible impact on the local landscape: water and stone. The blue stone extracted from our quarries – known as petit granit – is one of the most beautiful in the country. Water is also very much present in Clavier, and the pumping station on the banks of the Hoyoux supplies several neighboring communes with running water.

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