©Alessandro Biascioli Adobestock

Rocks to surpass yourself

7 climbing spots in Terres-de-Meuse

Engis, Modave, Amay… no less than 7 outdoor spots with beautiful rocky outcrops designed for both experienced and novice climbers.

Which spot will you choose?

There are two indoor climbing gyms in Terres-de-Meuse: at Life Style Fitness in Huy and at the hall in Wanze. Our region also boasts a number of outdoor spots, with fine rock for both experienced and novice climbers. We have identified at least seven, mainly in the Condroz region. There are others that are, for the most part, forbidden to climb or rarely visited.

1. Le Porche de Roiseux, in Modave

Located in a quiet spot on the edge of a wood on the left bank of the Hoyoux, the crag is around twenty meters high and has a good dozen relatively difficult routes. The climbing here is athletic and sustained.

2. Rocher de Régissa (poudingue), Modave

One of the largest expanses of poudingue rock in Wallonia. Climbing here is no more difficult than on limestone-type crags, but the style is, on the other hand, quite different: “The rock is made up of small pebbles that are cemented on top of each other,” says CAB crag manager Joe Dewez, “The feeling is different when you climb.” The site is aimed at medium-level climbers and hosts some sixty routes. Height: up to 25 metres.

3. Tour en Bèche (or Dalle d’Engis)

A small cliff of maximum thirty meters still being cleaned and on which there are currently 13 routes. This is a medium-level slab.

4. La carrière des Awirs, in Engis

A very important site featuring over a hundred climbing routes for beginners and advanced climbers (from level 3 to level 7). Some are very athletic, offering up to 70 meters of climbing. The area is very popular.

5. Rochers de Corphalie, in Tihange

About forty meters high, they are located right next to the Tihange nuclear power plant and are made up of large recumbent slabs that make for easy progress. The massif is aimed at medium-level climbers who enjoy the committed type of climb: as the distance between the spindles is greater, you tumble more meters when you fall, making the route more impressive in the event of a fall.

6. Le Château de Moha

A small massif of about fifteen meters of medium to difficult level in places, the result of a collaboration between, in particular, the ASBL “Les Amis du Château féodal de Moha”, the Belgian Alpine Club. The site has around thirty routes and was developed in 2016.

7. Flône climbing site

The 56 Amayt climbing routes are aimed at a rather experienced public, but there are also 6 routes for children, as well as a small climbing rock with shock-absorbing cushions. This spot is a little higher up than Flône Abbey, so climbers will need to park near the cemetery.

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