The diversity of our landscapes and subsoils favors a great biodiversity.
At the bend of our paths you will make surprising encounters to touch only with your eyes as these riches are so fragile.
The diversity of our landscapes and subsoils favors a great biodiversity.
At the bend of our paths you will make surprising encounters to touch only with your eyes as these riches are so fragile.
Forests, limestone areas, sunny rocks, wetlands, the diversity of natural environments allows
the existence of numerous plant species with often spectacular blooms.
You can admire hundreds of sometimes very rare species simply by following our marked trails.
Roars, foxes, cottontail rabbits… it’s not unusual to come across them on a walk.
In fact, they’ve inspired the names of some of them.
Each year, starting at the Hermalle-sous-Huy castral farm, two nature walks, as well as a training course, will enable you to familiarize yourself with mushrooms.
Our friends with hats are also celebrated in September in the commune of Verlaine.
Condroz and Hesbaye are not necessarily associated with the notion of biodiversity.
Yet our region is still home to many natural sites, refuges for highly diverse and sometimes extremely rare species.
The only insectarium in Wallonia and one of the largest in Europe, Hexapoda, reveals to visitors the world of insects
via a permanent exhibition, but also through temporary exhibitions.
Tritons, toads, frogs and salamanders, these fragile species, still live with us.
Crenwick, Wachnet site, Brion meadows, Hoyoux valley… with patience you’ll be able to observe them in these different sites.
Our territory is a veritable “hotspot” recognized by ornithologists, whether in the forest (Black Woodpecker, Tawny Owl…), on the plains (Kestrel, Common Sparrow, Partridge…), or in wetlands (Common Grebe, Kingfisher…)..).
The old decanters of Hollogne-sur-Geer and the gravel pit of Amay are must-sees for observation.