Honeybee harvesting pollen from blooming flowersHoneybee harvesting pollen from blooming flowers
©Honeybee harvesting pollen from blooming flowers|viperagp - stock.adobe.com

Interview : Jean-Marie Hoyoux

Le Clos des abeilles

Meet our passionate producers: discover Jean-Marie Hoyoux at Le Clos des abeilles for sustainable, responsible beekeeping that respects nature, bees and the environment.

Le clos des abeilles

  • Where does your passion for bees and beekeeping come from?

In 1978, two people were instrumental in awakening my enthusiasm for beekeeping. The first, an uncle by marriage, took me to the garden and opened a hive to show me the gentleness of his bees. The second, an agronomist who put me in touch with one of his friends, who gave me two populated hives. These first two hives gave me a great deal of pleasure and honey in profusion.

  • What are you most proud of?

We were able to benefit from a prestigious award following our single application; our spring honey won a prize in 2017 at the “Coq de Cristal” competition, which rewards producers of agricultural food products. This Coq de Cristal sits proudly in our window next to our two books. I’m particularly pleased that my daughter-in-law Floriane has agreed to help me not only with the preparation of the second edition of the book she co-authored, but also with the gîtes and a little with beekeeping, since as a young mother I understand that she doesn’t have much time to spare.

  • You’ve diversified on the subject… how?

After a few years of producing honey and potting it, harvesting honey cakes made its appearance in my business. Then, as the quantity of wax became more and more imposing, the idea of producing candles came to me…But not before I had solved the problems of wax purification and the creation of original molds.
After attending a few conferences, leaders of beekeeping circles asked me to prepare a talk on “bee diseases”. I came up with the idea of compiling my notes into a small, unpretentious booklet: “Rudiments of Bee Pathology”. Finally, in 2019 and again in 2022, the first and second editions of “La Ruche Dadant, la ruche la plus répandue dans nos régions” (The Dadant hive, the most widespread hive in our regions) will be published.

  • Where can I find your honey and its derivatives?

Our honey and other beekeeping products are distributed by:

*La Coopérative ardente, 04 252 32 12, coop@lacooperativeardente.be, avenue de Jupille 16, 4020 Bressoux (Liège);
*La ferme Larock, 04 372 04 75, rue Duchêne 12, 4120 Rotheux-Rimière;
*La ferme Haya, 0485 19 00 74 rue Haya 4, 4560 Clavier.
But, of course, other distributors would be most welcome to contact us


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