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Interview : Priss'Candle


Discover Priscilla Frison, creator of soy and rapeseed wax candles and fondants.


  • Can you introduce yourself?

I’m Piscilla Frison, I’m 34 years old. i’m a care assistant and mother of an 8-year-old boy.

  • How did you come to realize this passion?

Injured a little over a year ago, I spent my time learning about making fondants. I like my house to smell nice, so I did a few tests and then took the plunge.

  • What does your art consist of?

Creation of candles, fondants, decorations, personalization of items. Recently, decorations for weddings and other events

  • Where is your workshop located?

My creative workshop is located in my home, with a store open to the public. Shipping and delivery also possible. I’m present at many events throughout the year


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