Kalbut Dsgn 5Kalbut Dsgn 5
©Kalbut Dsgn 5|Kalbut Dsgn

Interview: Kabult DSGN

recycled materials

Passionate about the animal world, Kalbut DSGN is able to bring to life, from his workbench, any creature he shapes and assembles from all sorts of salvaged objects.

Kabult DSGN

  • Who are you?

My name is Max, I’m 35 years old and I’m a sculptor in metal and reclaimed steel. I created Kalbut about ten years ago.

  • What inspired you?

I’ve always loved working with my hands. After studying design at Saint-Luc, sculpture came naturally while working with salvaged materials. The diversity and multitude of shapes of the materials made animals my favorite subject. Inspiration comes mainly from exhibitions and various artistic encounters, but also from the animal world in general…

  • Where is your workshop located?

The workshop is located in Jehay. There’s a showroom visible by appointment only. I also do a few exhibitions during the year. The next exhibition will be held in Huy in April 2023 (Galerie Art33).

For more information:

Maxime Gesquiere / kabultdsgn@gmail.com / +32 (0)488 65 11 77

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