Artisanat du cuirArtisanat du cuir
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Interview : Arti-Cuir

handcrafted leather goods

Find out more about handcrafted leather goods in this interview with leather craftsman Xavier Destreille.


  • Could you introduce yourself?

I’ve been working with leather since the 1980s, following my apprenticeship in shoemaking.

  • How did you come to realize this passion?

An attraction to natural materials, especially leather, has led me to deepen and improve my work. Nothing is the same, you discover new techniques every day.

  • What does your art consist of?

I create and produce various items such as bags, belts, cases, covers, bracelets, …. Leather embossing is also one of my specialties.

  • Where is your workshop located?

My store is located rue du Pont, 16 in Huy, I’m a stone’s throw from the collegiate church.

For more information:

Xavier Destreille / / +32 (0)477 79 56 94

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