HesbayeJeune fille marchant dans les blé au soleil couchant
©A.kazak - Adobestock

The Hesbaye

Stretches of crops on the horizon

In a horizon of crops where the gaze escapes, Hesbaye, fertile with its rich past and legendary fertility, abounds in heritage and natural riches.

Its open, specific landscape offers the view a limitless sky and a palette of colors as the fields are worked. This particularly fertile agricultural region is known as Belgium’s granary. Orchards, vineyards, meadows, copses… complete the mosaic of landscapes this corner of the land has to offer.

Generous gastronomy

The generosity of this land and the expertise of our craftsmen magnify all our products. With many local producers, a Michelin-starred restaurant and sometimes unexpected flavors like Whisky, voted 3 times best single malt in Europe, or pastis, gold medal winner at the Lyon international competition, Hesbaye has more than one flavor to surprise you.

Belgium’s most fertile region, Hesbaye and its clay soil lend themselves wonderfully to agriculture, but also to fruit production. Vineyards are also popping up here and there in the countryside.


The Hesbaye in pictures

Prepare your stay

Looking for a place to stay, discovering the expertise of our chefs,
looking for your next outing, needing to get some fresh air… we’ve selected the essentials for you.

They tested for you

Trust the Terres-de-Meuse ambassadors and
let their discoveries inspire you and take advantage of their advice.

They’re unrivalled at unearthing nuggets, getting you off the beaten track,
finding you the perfect place to spend the night or the trendy eatery to enjoy local cuisine.

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